Save These Items!

7 years ago

Coleman Elementary will be collecting the following...

· UPCs for Country Hearth and Village Hearth products.  

· Box Tops for Education from General Mills products.  


These items can be brought into the Elementary Office or IMC.  

Students may bring them in at any time and in any quantity.


 Please Note

Due to the cancelling of the program by Foremost Company, we are no longer collecting the Kids, Caps and Cash milk caps. 

Campbell Soup Labels for Education program ended Aug. 2017.

PBIS "meaning"

Good Behavior is Something to ROAR about!

Respect Order and Safety Awesome Attitude Responsibility

Security Check Implemented

7 years ago

Coleman Elementary/Middle School has implemented an improved security system. When reporting to the main office, visitors are asked to show a driver’s license. In order to better protect our students, visitors, and staff, all visitors will be required to show a valid government issued ID. The identification is then run through a system called Raptor. 

This program compares the identification against the state’s sex offender registry. This system also creates a name and photo sticker from the identification and creates a customized visitor pass. 

If everything checks out, the visitor will wear the sticker while in school. During any subsequent visits, a person only needs to give his or her name and Raptor will be able to complete the check.

School Lunch Payment Option Added

7 years ago

The Coleman School District would like to remind families that they can fill out a new free or reduced application at any time if family circumstances change.  The application is available by clicking here, or you may stop in any office and pick one up. 

Through Skyward Family Access you can check your food service balance at any time.  Another way to check is to call school and we can look up your balance.  If it is low, please drop off a check in the office.  


New for the Coleman Food Service Program this year : e-Funds for Schools.  This program will allow parents to make a payment into their child's food service account online from home, work, or a cellphone. There is a fee for this service.  The fee does not go to the school district.


Parents no longer have to worry about their child forgetting to turn in or losing lunch money.  Payments can be made 24 hours a day from the parent's bank account or by credit card.  This allows flexibility of payments and gives the parent alternate payment choices.  The service requires a simple one-time registration and has continued ease of use for the parent.  Automated payments can be activated by parents which assures lunch funds are replenished on a scheduled basis, preventing the account from being short of funds.  Each time a payment is made, the system sends an e-mail to the parent that provided the payment confirmation.  Parents may view online payment history for the entire school year.    To set up your account, please go to the district website and under quick links select Efunds.  Any balance remaining at the end of the school year transfers to the following school year.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the food service department at or call 920-897-2291 Ext. 190.